
Celebrating Chinese New Year with Kids around the World


Chinese New Year Photo Exhibition






Ring out the old with joyous laughter, ring in the new with twinkling lights. During the Chinese New Year holiday, people are celebrating the beginning of a new year with various activities amid a festive atmosphere.

Sugar painting and sugar-figure blowing in temple fairs, dazzling decorations and red lanterns along the streets… all of these catch the attention of Chinese kids and become indelible memories of their childhood. Today, some of the traditional Chinese New Year celebrations have become popular outside of China. While some celebrations are viewed with surprise and curiosity, many bring about warmth and happiness.

The Chinese New Year not only warms people’s hearts in the cold winter, but also enlightens and brings fun to children’s lives.


1.《感受年味》    陈月明 摄
1.  “Festivity” Shot by Chen Yueming

As the Chinese New Year approaches, children are participating in various celebrations for the new year, such as hanging lanterns. Their cute faces are radiant with joy.



2.《新春糖儿甜》    何军 摄
2.  “Sugar Figure” Shot by He Jun

In the temple fair, kids are excitedly waiting to taste the traditional sugar figure.



3.《红红火火过大年》    高嵩 摄
3.  “New Year Red” Shot by Gao Song


During the Chinese New Year, a festive atmosphere permeates the village market. A little girl in a red dress is carefully selecting her favorite new-year decorations.



4.《盛会合影》    黄建军 摄
4.  “Grandparent and Grandchild in the New-Year Fair” Shot by Huang Jianjun

In the new-year fair, a grandparent and grandchild are taking a group photo amid the jubilant crowd.



5.《年味》    喻跃生 摄
5.  “New-Year Decorations” Shot by Yu Yuesheng

With Chinese New Year around the corner, people are putting up a myriad of new-year decorations, including the most iconic of them all – a large red lantern with the character of fu (or happiness).



6.《品糖画》    李文宝 摄
6.  “Tasting Sugar Painting” Shot by Li Wenbao

In Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, a kid is tasting the sugar painting in the temple fair themed with folk culture on Hunan Road.



7.《大红灯笼高高挂》    佟伟元 摄
7.  “Red Lanterns” Shot by Tong Weiyuan

Temple fairs are a common way for Chinese people to celebrate festivals, especially for the Spring Festival. The numerous red lanterns add to the festivity of the temple fair.



8.《吹糖人儿》    顾龙 摄
8.  “Sugar Figure Blowing” Shot by Gu Long

With the help of the artist, the kid derives much fun from blowing a sugar figure by himself.



9.《看花灯》    冯长荣 摄
9.  “Appreciating the Festive Lanterns” Shot by Feng Changrong

The festive lanterns in the Great Tang Mall in Xi’an, Shaanxi Province attract a flock of visitors. The kid wearing decorative hat is fascinated by the variety of lanterns.



10.《宝宝,过年啦》    钟智勇 摄
10.  “New Year in the Eye of Baby” Shot by Zhong Zhiyong

In the lantern-packed square, the young mother carrying a lantern is murmuring to her baby about the arrival of a new year.



11.《水乡年味》    韩翠芝 摄
11.  “New Year in Weishan Lake” Shot by Han Cuizhi

In Weishan Lake, Shandong Province, grandfathers and grandchildren who returned from the New Year’s Fair are walking past the lake carrying red lanterns. The fiery red reflected in the water suggests their inner joy.



12.《贴春字》    杜江云 摄
12.  “Pasting Spring Festival Character” Shot by Du Jiangyun

During Chinese New Year, every household will paste Chinese characters on their windows to express their best wishes for the future year.



13.《特别春节》    陈欣 摄
13.  “New Year amid COVID-19 Pandemic” Shot by Chen Xin

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, outdoor activities are restricted. People are choosing to celebrate the festival at home. They are pasting paper-cuttings on windows, watch videos, and spending the holiday in their cozy home.



14.《欢乐新年》    宋义勇 摄
14.  “New Year Fireworks” Shot by Song Yiyong

A family celebrates the Spring Festival with fireworks in Yanggu County, Liaocheng City, Shandong Province.



15.《红团宴》    朱淑霞 摄
15.  “A Red Rice Ball Feast” Shot by Zhu Shuxia

Two children are arranging the red rice balls to prepare for the grand feast with much festivity.



16.《一起包饺子》    陈岗 摄
16.  “Making Dumplings Together” Shot by Chen Gang

During the Spring Festival, the whole family gathers together to make dumplings in a warm and joyous atmosphere.



17.《土楼楹联》    陈军 摄
17.  “Writing Couplets for Tulou” Shot by Chen Jun

Two children living in the Tulou are writing Spring Festival couplets with brushes to learn about the Hakka couplet culture amid the festive atmosphere of the Spring Festival in their hometown.



18.《送祝福》    曾学先 摄
18.  “Extending Blessings” Shot by Zeng Xuexian

The Cultural Station of Torch Development Zone, Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province has organized calligraphy students to write Spring Festival couplets and send blessing characters to the citizens.



19.《写春联》    陈超美 摄
19.  “Writing Couplets” Shot by Chen Chaomei

As the Spring Festival approaches, primary school students write their best wishes in Spring Festival couplets.



20.《马儿飞舞》    陈钏 摄
20.  “Buma Dance” Shot by Chen Chuan

In Raoping County, Chaozhou City, Guangdong Province, Buma Dance is a unique folk dance to celebrate festivals. The spinning and jumping cloth horses embody people’s pursuit of a happy life and the hope of success.



21.《春节体验》   刘庆辉 摄
21.  “Tasting the Chinese New Year” Shot by Liu Qinghui

At the 3rd cultural festival of “Beautiful China & Happy Spring Festival 2019” in Budapest Millennium Park, Hungary, a Hungarian child is drawing a cute little pig.



22.《欢乐春节游行》   刘小兰 摄
22.  “Spring Festival Parade” Shot by Liu Xiaolan

At the “Happy Chinese New Year” parade in Lisbon, Portugal, the traditional Chinese custom of “playing drums” is being introduced to the Portuguese people.



23.《你叫什么名字呀》    严振全 摄
23.  “What’s Your Name?” Shot by Yan Zhenquan

Children in Courbevois, France, take a group photo with the pulling lion to celebrate the Spring Festival.


Presented by Network of International Culturalink Entities (NICE)


Happy Spring Festival with Dragon Dance Performances Photo Exhibit

The Spring Festival is the grandest traditional fete of the Chinese people, and an important holiday for reuniting and enjoying time with family. Dragon dance, a lively and jubilant traditional custom, is one of most festive activities of the Spring Festival.


Lunar New Year

South Coast Plaza celebrates the Year of the Tiger. Discover Lunar New Year merchandise and offerings from our boutiques and restaurants, cultural and interactive exhibits and a spectacular Year of the Tiger display.
